Our Roadmap For 7 Months To 5x Revenue Increase

A complete guide to our well-planned strategy on 5X revenue increase for an automotive niche content site.
Mohit Tater
July 17, 2024
min read

With the right strategy, having a five fold revenue growth is not impossible. Our team at BlackBook Digital  did it through a meticulously planned growth strategy, including the exact strategies and steps we took to address technical SEO issues, optimize existing content, and allocate smart budgets.

This is the case study of how we achieved such growth in under 7 months for an automotive niche content site. This ultimately led the site from a stagnant blog to a thriving authority in its niche.

The Growth Plan Overview

Our growth plan was comprehensive, focusing on several key areas:

  • Tech SEO Audit
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Budget Allocation

1. Tech SEO Audit

The first step in our strategy was a thorough technical SEO audit. We identified and resolved several issues that were hindering the site's performance. 

  • Identified crawl errors and fixed them.
  • Improved site speed by optimizing images and leveraging browser caching.
  • Ensured the site was mobile-friendly and passed Google's mobile usability tests and majorly fixing and checking if all the affiliate buttons where responsive and working fine.
  • Verified all fixes in GSC, resulting in a clean bill of health for the site’s technical aspects.

2. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is often underestimated but acute for a site's success. We focused on proper internal linking, topical clustering, content updates, and more.

  • Internal Linking & Topical Clustering

We rebuilt the internal linking strategy, ensuring links were relevant and logical. This helped in better content discovery and ranking.

  • Content Optimization

Removed fluff from existing content, front-loaded important information, and kept content up-to-date. Regular updates ensured that the content remained relevant and authoritative.

  • Content Refresh

Instead of just adding new content, we optimized old content. This balanced approach improved both new and existing content's performance.

3. Off-Page SEO

Our off-page SEO strategy focused on building relevant, high-quality backlinks through targeted outreach. Unlike conventional methods prioritizing Domain Rating (DR), we sought contextually relevant links, regardless of DR.

  • Identified and reached out to sites within the automotive niche for backlink opportunities.
  • Prioritized getting backlinks from highly relevant sites rather than focusing solely on high DR metrics.
  • Ensured that the content linked to was valuable and highly relevant, increasing the likelihood of earning natural backlinks.

4. Budget Allocation

Our client initially allocated the entire budget to new content creation. We reallocated the budget to optimize existing content and improve the site's technical aspects.

  • Reduced budget allocation for new content creation to a justified level.
  • Increased budget for virtual assistants (VAs) to optimize and fix site issues.

Detailed Actions and Their Impact

1. Changing Website Layout and Structure

The website's outdated blog look was overhauled to appear as an authority site. This improved user engagement and decreased bounce rates, also giving it a look into technical aspects that make Google like it and figure out that this is not just a normal blog.

2. Adding EEAT

We improved the "About Us" and author profile pages, providing detailed backgrounds on the authors. This increased trust and credibility, which are important for users and search engines.

3. Smarter Internal Linking

By focusing on relevant internal linking within topical clusters, we improved the site’s internal navigation and helped search engines better understand its structure.

4. Fixing GSC Issues and Site Load Time

Addressing GSC issues and optimizing site load time significantly improved the site's overall performance and user experience, leading to higher rankings and better traffic.

5. Optimizing Old Content

We pruned irrelevant content, updated existing articles, and ensured they were aligned with current trends and search intents. This effort paid off with improved rankings and user engagement.

6. Monetization Optimization

By fixing broken Amazon links and optimizing ad positions for Ezoic, we increased the site's monetization efficiency, directly impacting the revenue.

Ultimate Results

Revenue Growth

Within seven months of implementing our growth plan, the site's revenue increased fivefold. 

Here are the key factors that contributed:

  • Improved site health and performance through a technical SEO audit.
  • Better user engagement and trust through on-page SEO and EEAT enhancements.
  • Optimized content and strategic budget reallocation.
  • High-quality, relevant backlinks through off-page SEO.

Traffic Increase

Our strategies not only increased the revenue but also significantly increased traffic to the site. Consistent content updates, smart internal linking, improved site speed, and relevant backlinks played pivotal roles.

Future Plans

Shifting to a Better Ad Network

We plan to shift to an ad network that offers better returns to continue the revenue growth trajectory.

Expanding Content

With the site now robust and optimized, we'll conduct extensive keyword research to target new low-competition keywords within our niche.

Social Media Engagement

Building a new traffic channel through social media engagement is on our roadmap. This will diversify our traffic sources and reduce dependency on search engines.

Email Capture and Newsletter

Given the volatility of search engine algorithms, it's crucial to own our audience. Capturing emails and starting a newsletter will help us communicate directly with our loyal visitors.


BlackBook Digital’s well-planned growth strategy transformed our client's automotive niche site into a high-performing, revenue-generating authority. We achieved remarkable results by addressing technical SEO, optimizing content, smart budget allocation, and strategic off-page SEO.

Are you looking for such exponential results? Book your call with our experts today! We’re excited to help you out. 

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